5-year guarantee upon registration.
Transport, Dreirad, Fahrzeug,

The First Step into Mobility

The first steps in life are crucial. Unforgettable for parents, impressive for little ones. When children start to stand, walk, and explore their own small world within the safety of their home, it feels almost like a little miracle. A miracle that shapes and lays the foundation for their further development.

Der Einstieg in die Mobilität

Die ersten Schritte im Leben sind entscheidend. Unvergesslich für Eltern, beeindruckend für die Kleinen. Wenn Kinder beginnen, zu stehen, zu laufen und ihre kleine, eigene Welt innerhalb der elterlichen vier Wände zu entdecken, ist das fast ein kleines Wunder. Ein Wunder, das für die weitere Kindesentwicklung prägend und grundlegend ist.

Ergonomic Seat

The PUKYLINO is equipped with an ergonomically designed seat with a knee recess. It provides the child with a secure hold, whether kneeling or sitting.

NEW: Now with Handlebar Pad

With the new handlebar pad on the PUKYLINO, parents can be sure that their little ones will experience their first riding adventures not only with joy but also with extra protection.

Kissen, Dekoration für Zuhause, Kopfstütze,
1 + Jahre
1 + Jahre
1 + Jahre
1 + Jahre
1 + Jahre
1 + Jahre

Safety Handlebar Grips

The safety handlebar grips of the PUKYLINO ensure that little hands always have a firm hold – no matter where their curiosity takes them. This thoughtful detail gently protects against impacts and provides parents with peace of mind during every adventure of their little ones. PUKYLINO – making every grip a safe and happy moment!

Steering Angle Limiter

The steering angle limiter of the PUKYLINO ensures that every little adventure remains playful and safe. It provides just the right amount of movement for the little ones to explore the world securely – giving parents peace of mind. PUKYLINO – safely making the first steps into mobility unforgettable!