The ideal balance bike from 2+.
In our category for children's balance bikes you will find the PUKY LR M, the ideal first balance bike for children aged 2+. The PUKY LR M supports the development of agility, balance and coordination. It is equipped with 8.8’ ball-bearing wheels and handlebars, which ensure manoeuvrability and durability. The quiet soft tyres and ergonomic banana saddle offer a high level of riding comfort. A low entry and a large footboard make it easy to use. Safety handlebar grips, a handlebar pad and an impact-resistant powder coating ensure safety and durability.
The PUKY LR M balance bike is the perfect first balance bike for children aged 2 and over. It promotes agility, balance and coordination and features 8.8’ ball-bearing wheels and handlebars for manoeuvrability and durability. The quiet and low-maintenance soft tyres allow undisturbed riding fun. The specially developed banana saddle ensures optimum power transmission and prevents slipping. The low entry and large footboard offer additional comfort and safety. Safety handlebar grips and a handlebar pad minimise the risk of injury, while the height-adjustable components and impact-resistant powder coating ensure a long service life.