5-year guarantee upon registration.

Balance bikes are ideal for the early stages of child mobility. Here you’ll learn when your child is old enough—or better yet, mature enough—for one.

Your toddler is exploring the world in new ways every day. Perhaps you’ve noticed them watching other children zooming around on balance bikes with fascination. At this point, many parents ask themselves: Is my child old enough for a balance bike? When is the right time to introduce them to mobility on two wheels? However, the question of the right starting age is not the most crucial one. Each child develops—thankfully—at their own unique pace. One baby might take their first steps at nine months, while another might start walking at 15 months. The same individuality applies to the use of vehicles.

First Ride-On Vehicle, Then Balance Bike

For a child to enjoy a balance bike, they should possess certain motor skills, including: 

  • Walking confidently, 
  • Pushing off with both feet, 
  • Steering simultaneously, 
  • and directing their attention to where they are going.
These skills can be developed with other children's vehicles before acquiring a balance bike. The best vehicles for this purpose are relatively stable two-wheeled vehicles, also known as ride-on toys. These allow even one-year-olds to learn how to combine simple movements like pushing off the ground into more complex sequences—a fundamental prerequisite for enjoying a balance bike. Experts recommend going through all stages of child development and choosing the next vehicle only when a child has extensively practiced and experienced the previous stage. So, first a ride-on vehicle, then a balance bike.

At What Age Should a Child Use a Balance Bike?

Although we provide age recommendations for PUKY balance bikes, which is "from two years old" for our smallest models, your judgment as a parent is even more important. Parents can usually assess very well how far their child has developed cognitively and motorically. This gut feeling is often a better advisor than general age recommendations or comparisons with other children.

When to Start with a Balance Bike: Inseam Length is Key

There are also objective data that provide an answer to when a balance bike is appropriate. The most important metric is your child's inseam length. (-> How to Measure Inseam Length). The smallest PUKY balance bikes are suitable for an inseam length of 30 centimeters. Thanks to an adjustable saddle and handlebar, the little bikes can grow a bit with your child. The largest of our three balance bike sizes accommodates an inseam length of up to 52 centimeters.


It’s not so much your child's age that matters, but rather their individual motor and cognitive development. When your child is truly "ready" for a balance bike, they will also have the most fun with it—and thus playfully prepare for the next big step in child mobility. One thing is certain: balance bikes are the ideal preparation for riding a bicycle. (-> When can children start riding a bicycle?)