The revolution of the balance bike
Das PUKY NEXT BUNDLE ist die flexible Lösung für langanhaltenden Fahrspaß. Durch die mitgelieferten 12" und 14" Laufradsätze kann das Rad individuell an das Wachstum des Kindes angepasst werden - ein Laufrad, das von 2 bis 6 Jahren genutzt werden kann. Der leichte Kunststoffrahmen, die luftbereiften Räder und der verstellbare Lenkervorbau sorgen für maximalen Fahrkomfort und Sicherheit.
Thanks to the FlipChip mechanism, the wheels can be changed from 12‘ to 14’ - a wheel for years!
Lightweight nylon frame for optimum ergonomics & stability.
Height-adjustable saddle with scale and individually adjustable handlebar stem for a perfect riding position.
Wide handlebars with coloured brake lever and V-brake at the rear ensure safety.
Wheels with pneumatic tyres for maximum cushioning and grip.

✔ Grows with you:
✔ Innovative material:

✔ Maximum comfort:
✔ Perfect control:

✔ Ideal for every ride:

✔ Extra features:
Measuring inner leg length in three steps
But how can you measure your child's inner leg length? Quite simply:
- Your child stands with its back against a wall wearing shoes.
- Clamp a book between its legs with the horizontal upper edge at the crotch.
- Now you can measure the distance from the top edge of the book to the floor with a tape measure or folding rule.
The measured value in centimetres is the inner leg length or crotch height. You can now use it to determine the right size for your child's balance bike or bicycle on our website.